Sell Your Cattle!

Feeder Cattle Sales - Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming

The Feeder Cattle Show List is a catalog page of Calves & Yearlings for sale in the country. You can see current cattle for sale as well as previously sold lots.
With over 30 years of experience and more than 85,000 head marketed, our team is dedicated to our network of Buyers & Sellers! ConneXion's Online Marketplace was built around being able to give our buyers can have the utmost confidence in the cattle we sell by representing cattle right and give more information while adding value for sellers in an easy-to-use, stress-free platform! We combine the personal relationship & customer service of a local buyer with the professionalism & Financial Security of a large company.
Contact our Sales Manager Boe Robbie at 406.855.0051 if you have any questions about the cattle on this page or if you are interested in selling.


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Livestock SOLD: 101,237 Head

Escrow Transactions: $111,093,881

Updated 5/1/2024