Crossbred Replacement Heifers for Sale at Hysham, MT
The right cross to be moderate, ultra-efficient females with top maternal traits
Here is a unique set of crossbred heifers with the right traits to be ultra efficient females for someone's cow herd. Today's Angus cow herd is generally missing the mothering instinct and longevity that the modern cattlemen needs. Today's cowherd is pretty lucky and is probably pretty expensive to yield a calf at 50% of their bodyweight. The Answer is cross breeding and putting some of that wild animal back in the cow herd and crossing with high growth bulls. This parent cow herd yields nearly 60% of their body weight in a calf with higher calving and survival rates. This set of heifers really needs to make a set of momma cows.
Message From the Sellers:
The heifer calves for sale will be 1/4 Corriente and 3/4 black Angus.
Our number one priority in our cow/replacement heifer selection is maternal traits. For example: good bag, good feet, and most importantly being a great mother.
The black Angus bulls that we are using are selected from a commercial cow herd that uses registered Black Angus bulls and holds the same standards for their black Angus cows as we do our cross-bred cows. The cows that these heifers are out of average 900# and we are weaning steers off of them that average 525#.
The heifers for sale, we believe, will mature out around 1100# and if bred to a more growthy bull could easily wean calves that are 60% of the cow's body weight. The best traits of our cattle is good mothers, good minded, travelers, longevity, great herd health, and fertile.
We have a great set of cows that keep track of their calves, travel, hold up well in drought and bring a calf home in the fall. We have no doubt, these heifers will do the same for you. Grazed on pasture ground in Hysham Hills. Pasture rotation as needed. Year-round mineral program with Prairie Nutrition Center.
You will have 60 head to sort from. 40-50hd blacks and 5-10hd reds. If you don't want the reds, you don't have to take them. We predict these heifers to be 15% uneven and if there is a heifer in the group that we don't think fit what we are representing, they will not go on the truck. We believe we have an opportunity for someone to get into a great set of cross-bred heifers and it is our priority that the buyer is more than satisfied.
There are no questions for this listing.