Immediate Delivery, 840 lbs Simmental X Angus cross Yearling Steers Closed (#1061791)
Terms & ConditionsSimAngus Yearling Steers for Sale at Alder, MT 
Hardy, high-quality steers coming off mountain pasture, ready to do it all!
- Sold Winning Bid: $243.00
- 15 Bid(s) View Bid History
- High Bidder: Davis, SD
- 1604 Page Views
The Gilman Family is offering a fancy set of yearling steers from Alder, MT.
This group consists of 240 head to sort from, with approximately 2/3 home-raised and 1/3 purchased off one ranch. All the steers are April-May born, sired by SimAngus bulls. About 40% will be Black White Faced (BWF) out of Baldie cows.
The mature mother cows are med/large-framed, with some 9-10 year old solid mouth cows weighing 1,500 lbs when we shipped them in February last year and fleshy. These steers are in light to medium flesh, standing on medium to large frames and projected to finish around 1,500 lbs or more.
The cattle start on irrigated pasture, move to mountain pasture through summer, and finish on irrigated regrowth before shipping. These cattle are very gentle and handle easy. Weighing and sorting will be fast and easy, trucks will be loaded and on the road between 9 and 10 am.
Test weighed in early August and right on target for an 840 lbs base weight. Shipping September 4-7.
Don't miss the opportunity to buy from an excellent family operation, these guys are great to work with.
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