SimAngus Replacement Heifers for Sale at Stanford, Montana 
Top cut of replacement hefiers! Quiet & Gentle.
25 Sim & Angus Replacement Heifers – Stanford, Montana
A top cut of quiet and gentle replacement heifers, sorted from a total of 90 head. These heifers were hand-selected twice—once at weaning for replacements, then again to take only the very best. No replacements were kept by the ranch—these were intended to stay but are now available due to a change in plans.
They are gentle and friendly set of heifers. Quality kind from a ranch that knows their cattle!
They will be high production cows right in the slot for the right cow size but with the added vigor from the Simmental sires and quality Angus Lineage. Raised in a proven Angus & SimAngus program, these heifers carry over 20 years of Green Mountain Angus genetics from the maternal cow herd, along with Larson Angus (Forsyth) and about half the heifers are sired by full-blood Simmentals from Hills Ranch Simmental at Stanford.
Weaned Nov 5, '24, being grown out in a yard to develop and grow them. On a Free choice Salt & Mineral program and Fed a TMR ration of 10 lbs Chopped Hay, 11 lbs Silage, and 5.5 lbs of Barley & Peas. They were only getting 3.5 lbs but they just got moved up. Weighing 715 and cycling.
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