Park City, MT - Short Term (Short Solid Mouth) Bred Cows 
BIG COWS with great condition and will raise nice big calves!
- Final Price: $70.00
Here's a knockout set of older Cows in great condition with flesh, full Solid Mouths and some potential left in them.
Bred in 40 Days from March 1 to April 10th, bred to High Growth Black Angus Bulls!
Weaned 635 lbs Steers and 605 lb Heifers on Oct 5th this Year!
Culled and Sorted hard. Had to have Full mouths and be bred up in the 45 day breeding period.
These are the cream of an already Fancy set of older cows.
Test Weighed XXXX on November 12
Only 2 head are missing a tooth, the rest are full Solid mouths.
Age Breakdown:
- 11 Coming YOs x 5 head (1 missing a tooth)
- 12 YOs x 5 (1 missing 2 teeth)
- 13 YOs x 1
- 14 YOs x1
Years of premium Maternal Genetics. They are AngusXAngus Kind!
Preg Checked Oct 10th Guranteed Bred
With Next Fall's calf prices, it looks like calves could net average $1300 next year and you'd still have a BIG Cull cow to sell! Easy Money to be made here!
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