Cardwell, MT - Two Year Old Angus Bull 
AAR Black Cedar 146
- Final Price: $2,500.00
Armstrong Angus Ranch Home Page
Selling these 2 Year-Old Bulls are Armstrong's Program Every Year! These Bulls are Developed on Grass and Hay so they know how to work. Unlike the hard-fed bull you won't recognize at the end of the summer, Armstrong's Bulls will winter easy and get back to work in the Spring! There is a tremendous amount of value in these Bulls. The character and values the Armstrong's live by every day shows in the cattle they offer! Once you take a Bull or Bred Heifer home, you will like them more everyday you have them! Join us in helping make this a successful Sale!
"We welcome all of you to take the time to study our catalog and our breeding philosophies and see if our cattle can be a positive addition to your program. Although our calf check in the fall is based on pounds sold (weaning weight), we are more interested in pounds sold per cow exposed. Cows that eat less (medium framed and/ or feed efficient) and raise average or bigger calves. We find are giving us more return. Bulls that breed more cows add to profit because we need less bulls. Less cows sold because of disposition, structure, being open, or mothering problems means more pounds sold. Here at Armstrong Angus we strive to produce the most return for the least input or as my dad said “ we’re not trying to raise the biggest cattle , we’re trying to raise the most efficient ones”.
We strive to produce bulls to perform like our bulls did for Billy Whitehurst. 3 bulls bred 45 cows each in 50 days with a cow breed up at 94%. We strive to produce females with moderate size that are easy to be around and that wean calves as big as bigger cows and to do it with less feed inputs than your average cows.
If you are feeling the crunch of the limited feeds and struggles of this year we invite you to study these bulls and maybe help your future bottom line."
Sincerely - The Armstrong Family
Contact Chad Armstrong for any questions regarding the Bulls and setting appointments to view them - Chad - 406.224.0586
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