Sterling, CO - Bred Heifers 
Premium Gals! Disposition, Fertility, Pelvic sized for calving ease, longevity!
- Final Price: $1,900.00
These are front-end Red Angus heifers from a top quality outfit! Everything is managed correctly in this cow herd. The Bred Heifers are selling due to drought. They are gentle and ready to go to work. Pelvic sized at bangs vaccinations to ensure minimum calving issues. These heifers will calve on their own with minimal input and have the condition!
Would prefer to sell them in 55 & 15 head groups.
Our cows are a source of pride for us, we have a reputation herd and have sold GAP4 calves on Superior video for the last two years. Before that we were typically in the top 1% of our marketing at the local sale barn for calf price.
Replacement Heifers Retained from herd based on pelvic measurement ability to breed in one heat cycle on heifers and disposition. Fertility is our main selection. Factor followed closely by mature cow size. Sizing helps to prevent calving issues.
Our cows are easy to handle, respect hot wire, and Barbwire fences. Culled for generations for fertility and disposition. We are looking to sell them because we have had a drought for two years and we don't have any more grass. We've survived two years of bad dry weather and a big range fire.
Cows are a forage-based herd we rotationally graze native grass in the summer and cornstalks and stockpiled feed in the winter with supplement protein as needed and supplement feed If we get snow cover. our cows are fed very little supplemental feed, weather permitting, and are very easy keeping in a moderate climate in northeast Colorado
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