Monida, MT - Steer Calves 
Yellow Tags-Jones- Ship Oct 18-25 - Angus X Hereford with frame and Muscle!
- Final Price: $320.00
The legendary Matador Ranch from SW Montana is the 2019 BQA Award Winning Cow Calf operation.
The ranch was founded in 1865 and has grown to one of the largest in Montana.
All the calves on the ranch are born in about 45 days and run on rough mountainous country and have to work for a living.
All the cattle have the genetics for a large frame and will grow as big as you want. They are heavy muscled cattle and perform with the best!
80%+ Could qualify for Greater Omaha's Hereford Premium Program.
The cow herd on the Matador is an Angus X Hereford cross. The cow coloration ranges from a small percentage (~10%) straight black with 80% of the cattle being a BWF or RWF and (~10%) having a Hereford coloration. Every cow has crossbred blood and won't be a full blood of any breed.
The calves in this group come out of these cows and are all sired by Black Angus & Horned Hereford bulls.
The ranch de-horns calves at Branding but a few nubs or later maturing horns may appear later in life.
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