Lot 102B: Chinook, MT - 5 YO Bred Cows 
Northern herd with longevity and raise perfect calves for a yearling operation!
- Final Price: $2,000.00
This Northern Montana Cow herd is meant for an April 15-May 30 calving period by design. Calves have been kept over as yearlings.
These low-input cows are perfect for the Northern or Eastern Montana environments. They work with mother nature and calve as spring starts to roll into summer. This program is meant to produce light-weight, High-Dollar calves that are destined for a yearling operation!
Think about it... 450 to 500 pound calves bring nearly the dollars per head as their heavier counterparts that weigh 575-600 pounds!
- EG. 485 lb calves for $3.30 = $1600 per head ; Meanwhile 575 lb calves for $2.85 = $1639 per head!
- That's 84% of the calf bringing 97% of the same money!
The ranch and the cows were sold over to the new owners in 2020. Cows born prior to 2021 have a Diamond Bar brand on the Right Hip; Cows after 2021 have a Y lazy Y on the Left Rib.
Program Focus: Pasture calving cows with medium frames focusing on longevity. Predominantly Home-Raised cows, (Few purchased for Expansion). Primarily Angus Bloodlines transitioned over the past 50 years from Herefords. You'll still see some Black baldies and a few red cows.
Cows are of a medium frame. you'll see some bigger frames in the older cows but the genetic goal begins to shift to a more moderate frame in the younger cows. Good Ol' ranch cows that are going to make somebody some money!
A tick of Saleer and Hereford have been used to maintain hybrid vigor over the past few generations which helps these calves to explode when moving into a yearling program and not sacrificing weight due to frame size. The yearling steers shipped at 860 lbs this summer, but have been as heavy as 925 in the past. These calves are perfect to sell as a light-weight high-dollar calf or keep and grow into a fancy home-raised yearling!
Sires are from Crowley, Diamond D and Indreland Angusherds. Selected with a focus on longevity, function and weaning weights.
- 32 Head 5 YOs
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