White Sulphur Springs, MT - Feeder Steers (Video coming soon) 
Home-raised, powerhouse steers with reputation! The kind to bet on!

- Final Price: $275.00
Fancy string of steers by reputation producers! Strong management program and superior genetic selection make this a powerful group of steers!
Producers focus on crossbreeding for heterosis growth and feed efficiency. Strong focus on marbling to get cattle to grade for profits!
The calves’ sires average in the top 10% in the nation for the American Simmental Association’s Terminal Index and top 2% in the nation for marbling.
Most Recent Carcass Data:
The most recent set of calves we harvested and got carcass data back on were 69 heifers killed 12/28/2023. They were all of our open heifers after preg-checking. Below is their carcass data:
- Prime: 41.65%
- CAB: 33.20%
- Choice: 22.59%
- YG1: 1.35%
- YG2: 30.95%
- YG3: 58.76%
- YG4: 8.94%
Management and more genetic information can be found on the calves Feeder Profit Calculator Certificate
780# weight Stop
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